July 2018 is Nutrition Month

At the month of July Nutrition month was celebrated with the theme "Ugaliing magtanim sapat na nutrisyon aanihin". which means we should eat healthy food for us to be healthy  and strong.
Eating fresh and nutritional food is important because they are packed with vitamins and have a low fat and sugar content.In fact, a healthy diet ensures that we do not contact diseases such as heart problems,diabetes,high blood pressure and others.
One of the best way that can help our body to maintain healthy is farming such as planting vegetables and fruit as the time came by that these plats can produce already some fruits and vegetables that we can eat.It will help now our body to be more healthier and stronger.
junk foods or fast foods such as burgers,fries,cakes,chocolates and other are not good for our health.those food contains harmful additives and coloring it will cause some harmful diseases.
In addition with  theme it aims Filipino families  to practice planting some kind of vegetables and fruits in their little backyard or farm for them to have some food or if they have plenty crops  they can sell it and earn some  extra income for their family.
In order for us to be healthy we must eat nutritious food to help our body to be more stronger and healthier and eating healthily also prolongs our lives.

credits: essayoffline


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