3rd state of the nation address year 2018

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte takes his third state of the nation address last July 23 2018 and delivers his message,report,action taken, and currently on goings and his future plans.
From his state of the Nation Address speech here are the thing President Rodrigo Roa Duterte talks about
first topic is about the war on drugs according to Mr.Presidents speech the war against illegal drugs is far from  over and when illegal drug operations turn nasty and bloody advocates of human rights lash at and pillory.Our law enforcers and this administration to no to end.Our police officers are given a task to catch those drug addict that are highly affected and whoever resist in the said operation those people will be killed and it will now affect the issue called human rights the lives and freedom and the property of every Filipino whose conditions we wish to improve shall be protected from criminals,terrorist and traffickers contrabands. Mr.President also tackle about the corruption that is occurring in our country which is done by our government  specially the officials with high positions.there are a lot of issues that our president had delivered.
It will serve as a lesson for everyone .It will also serve as the chance for the citizen of the country to be part of the the said conference where our president will talk about our country condition

credits: www.philstar.com


  1. I’m impressed with your ability to write concisely.

  2. Keep up the good work Ms. Mendieta

  3. Congratulations! you're one of the most rarest student watching a 12 hrs SONA! I'm impressed *claps using 2 fingers. Superb ! Well done my child. You are suited to become a great leader someday even now! believe me! I'm damn serious about this.


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